Purdue University Publishes Latest Volume in C-SPAN Archives Research Series

About the Book

Partisan Rhetoric and Polarization: The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research, Volume 10 features chapters written from a variety of perspectives that address divisions in American politics. The topics range widely, including TikTok, abortion, the middle class, the January 6 riot, and partisan rhetoric in Congress. The unifying theme of the volume is that each author uses C-SPAN videos to examine how members of Congress and other elites speak and act on these issues. Two other thoughtful pieces examine Supreme Court justices speaking off the bench and emotional reactions in presidential debates. Partisan Rhetoric and Polarization provides context to understand how the partisan split in American politics is reflected and evidenced in even the highest political institutions: Congress, the presidency, and the Supreme Court.


Partisan Rhetoric and Polarization is the latest volume in the Year in C-SPAN Archives Research series.

The C-SPAN Archives houses the online C-SPAN Video Library, which has recorded all of C-SPAN’s television content since 1987. Extensive indexing, captioning, and other enhanced online features provide an unparalleled chronological and internally cross-referenced record for deeper study. The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research series presents the finest interdisciplinary research utilizing tools of the C-SPAN Video Library. Developed in partnership with the Center for C-SPAN Scholarship & Engagement (CCSE) in the Brian Lamb School of Communication and with support from the C-SPAN Education Foundation, this series is guided by the ideal that all experimental outcomes, including those from our American experiment, can be best improved by directed study driving richer engagement and better understanding. The series editor is Robert X. Browning, Faculty Director, Center for C-SPAN Scholarship & Engagement, Purdue University, and executive director of the C-SPAN Archives.

About the Editor

Robert X. Browning is a professor of political science and communication at Purdue University. He is the founder and executive director of the C-SPAN Archives, which received a George Foster Peabody Award in 2010 for its online Video Library of 278,000 hours of C-SPAN content. He is the author of Politics and Social Welfare Policy in the United States and articles on redistricting. He is the editor of the series The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research, published annually by Purdue University Press.

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