This blog series, Putting the “Purdue” in Purdue University Press, is celebrating PUP’s 60th Anniversary by featuring the work the Press does in service to its parent institution. You can find the whole series here.
This post celebrates the books series and projects we do with on-campus partners.
Our Press serves Purdue in many ways, one of which is projecting the university name to readers everywhere. Compelling and valuable scholarship is not hard to find at Purdue. This presents a wonderful opportunity to partner with the Purdue community to publish and disseminate the impactful work that is being done on and around campus.
In 2014, Purdue University Press published the first volume in the series The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research. The volumes of this series utilize the tools of the C-SPAN Archives and Video Library, with scholarship from experts and emerging voices in political science, journalism, psychology, computer science, communication, and a variety of other disciplines. Robert X. Browning, the series editor, is the Director of the C-SPAN Archives and Faculty Director of the Center for C-SPAN Scholarship & Engagement (CCSE) located in the Brian Lamb School of Communication.
This year, through the support of CCSE, Purdue University Press, and Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies, the full series is now available as freely downloadable PDFs through the Purdue e-Pubs text repository. This series can now be accessed by researchers all over the world, fulfilling our commitment but to ensure this scholarship will have the greatest possible impact.
This is only the start of the list.
Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures (PSRL) has long published books on topics of literary importance that make a significant contribution to Romance scholarship, and in November we will be publishing the 80th book in this series! Studies are written in English, Spanish, or French and deal with topics in French, Italian, Luso-Brazilian, Spanish, and Spanish American literatures. PSRL books are evaluated, edited, and prepared by the School of Languages and Literatures in the Purdue University College of Liberal Arts and published and distributed by Purdue University Press.
Our New Directions in the Human-Animal Bond series is led by series editors Alan Beck and Marguerite E. O’Haire of the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine. The series has long produced books on the dynamic relationship between humans and animals. Books in the series range from studies on animal assisted intervention in populations that have experienced trauma to the heated debate over the issue of outdoor cats.
In May, we announced the new book series Navigating Careers in Higher Education. The series has been launched in partnership with the Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence at Purdue. The series will utilize an intersectional lens to examine and understand how faculty members and administrators navigate careers and their aspirations to succeed. Topics may include addressing sexism, homophobia, racism, and ethnocentrism; the role of higher education institutions; the effects of growing nontenure track faculty; the challenge of a research agenda that may be perceived as controversial; maintaining a life-work balance; and entering leadership positions.
We handle the review, editing, and publication of all Joint Transportation Research Program reports, including each year’s Road School proceedings, publish a host of open-access journals sponsored and edited by members of the Purdue community, and recently partnered with the Purdue College of Engineering on a project called Purdue Engineering Open Bytes, an effort to provide a collection of engineering educational resources that will be available online to anyone in the world.
Our efforts in all these projects would not be possible without the volume of incredible scholarship available here at Purdue University. We’re proud of our part in helping this hard work become published, and helping the world see it.