is the network of record for US political affairs, broadcasting live
gavel-to-gavel proceedings of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and
to other forums where public policy is discussed, debated, and decided––without
editing, commentary, or analysis and with a balanced presentation of points of
C-SPAN Archives, located adjacent to Purdue University, is the
home of the online C-SPAN Video Library. The Archives has copied all of
C-SPAN's television content since 1987. Extensive indexing, captioning, and other
enhanced online features provide researchers, policy analysts, students, teachers,
and public officials with an unparalleled chronological and internally
cross-referenced record for deeper study.
The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research presents the finest interdisciplinary research
utilizing tools of the C-SPAN Video Library. Each volume highlights recent
scholarship and comprises leading experts and emerging voices in political
science, journalism, psychology, computer science, communication, and a variety
of other disciplines. Each section within each volume includes responses from expert
discussants. Developed in partnership with the Brian Lamb School of
Communication and with support from the C-SPAN Education Foundation, C-SPAN
Insights is guided
by the ideal that all experimental outcomes, including those from our American
experiment, can be best improved by directed study driving richer engagement
and better understanding.
The Year in C-SPAN Archives Research—Volume 4, edited by Robert X. Browning, advances
our understanding of the framing of mental health, HIV/AIDS, policing, and public
health, and explores subjects such as audience reactions in C-SPAN covered debates,
the Twitter presidency of Donald Trump, and collaborative learning using the C-SPAN
Video Library.