Engineering design is a fundamental problem-solving model used by the discipline. Effective problem-solving requires the ability to find and incorporate quality information sources. To teach courses in this area effectively, educators need to understand the information needs of engineers and engineering students and their information gathering habits. This book provides essential guidance for engineering faculty and librarians wishing to better integrate information competencies into their curricular offerings. The treatment of the subject matter is pragmatic, accessible, and engaging. Rather than focusing on specific resources or interfaces, the book adopts a process-driven approach that outlasts changing information technologies. After several chapters introducing the conceptual underpinnings of the book, a sequence of shorter contributions go into more detail about specific steps in the design process and the information needs for those steps. While they are based on the latest research and theory, the emphasis of the chapters is on usable knowledge. Designed to be accessible, they also include illustrative examples drawn from specific engineering sub-disciplines to show how the core concepts can be applied in those situations.
Part I Information-Rich Engineering Design
1 Multiple Perspectives on Engineering Design, by David Radcliffe
2 Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning, by Michael Fosmire
3 Ways That Engineers Use Design Information, by Michael Fosmire
4 Information-Rich Engineering Design: An Integrated Model, by David Radcliffe
Part II Designing Information-Rich Engineering Design Experiences
Organize Your Team
5 Act Ethically: Design with Integrity, by Megan Sapp Nelson, Donna Ferullo, and Bonnie Osif
6 Build a Firm Foundation: Managing Project Knowledge Efficiently and Effectively, by Jon Jeffryes
Clarify the Task
7 Find the Real Need: Understanding the Task, by Megan Sapp Nelson
8 Scout the Lay of the Land: Understanding the Broader Context of a Design Project, by Amy Van Epps, Monica Cardella
9 Make It Safe and Legal: Meeting Broader Community Expectations, by Bonnie Osif
Synthesize Possibilities
10 Draw on Existing Knowledge: Taking Advantage of Prior Art, by Jim Clarke
Select Solution
11 Make Dependable Decisions: Using Information Wisely, by Jeremy Garritano
Refine Solution
12 Make It Real: Finding the Most Suitable Materials and Components, by Jay Bhatt, Michael Magee, Joseph Mullin
Communicate Effectively
13 Get Your Message Across: The Art of Gathering and Sharing Information, by Patrice Buzzanell, Carla Zoltowski
Improve Processes
14 Reflect and Learn: Capturing New Design and Process Knowledge, by David Radcliffe
Part III Ensuring That Students Develop Information Literacy Skills
15 Scaffold and Assess: Preparing Students to Be Informed Designers, by Senay Purzer, Ruth Wertz
Michael Fosmire is the Head of the Physical Sciences, Engineering, and Technology Division of the Purdue University Libraries and Professor of Library Science. He has written extensively on the role of information in active-learning pedagogies and the integration of information literacy in science and technology curricula. Fosmire earned undergraduate degrees in physics and mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University and masters degrees in physics and library science from the University of Washington.
David Radcliffe is the Kamyar Haghighi Head of the School of Engineering Education and the Epistemology Professor of Engineering Education at Purdue University. His teaching and research interests span design, sustainable systems, engineering education and professional development, innovative learning spaces, and knowledge management. Radcliffe earned BS and MS degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Queensland, and a PhD in bioengineering from University of Strathclyde.