A child can't be owned, but parents are legally responsible for their child's care. A painting and a dog can be owned; both fall under the jurisdiction of the law and in particular, property rights. But why should a dog, man's best friend, an animal with a mind and emotions, fall under the same category as a painting? How could the law be so foolish? Requiring legal guardianship for animals would have radical consequences for how we live our lives.
I. Philosophy
Cows as Chairs: Questioning Categorical Legal Distinctions in a Non-Categorical World, by Ariel Simon
The Case for Animals, by Derek Hass
Why the Status of Animals Should Remain as Property, by Neha Jadeja
The Case for Animals as the Property of Humans, by Catie Lowder
Animal Ethics and Legal Status, by Bernard E. Rollin
II. Law
Consistency and Rights, by Alex Pollen
A Legal Argument against Animals as Property, by David Hambrick
The Legal Perspective on Animal Rights, by Ian Tomb
Why Should One Reject the Motion Intending to Remove Animals from the Status of Property?, by Hélène Landemore
Animals, Property, and Personhood, by Gary L. Francione
III. Cognitive Science
Aping Ethics: Behavioral Homologies and Nonhuman Rights, by Fiery Cushman
Cognitive Beasts: The Thoughts and Feelings of Animals, by Robbie Silverman
An Argument from Cognitive Science against Increasing Legal Rights for Animals, by Justin Jungé
Evolved Aspects of Morality Determine Legal Rights of Animals, by Lewis Petrinovich
IV. Biomedical Research
A Critical Review of Animal Experimentation: Moral and Practical Problems, Alternatives and Necessary Changes, by Frances Chen
Why Animals Should Own Their Genes, and, Therefore, Own Themselves, by Jonathan Flombaum
Nonhuman “Pain” and Animal Rights, by Lisa Guttentag
The Importance of Animal Testing in Biomedical Research, by Virginia Vance
Animal Welfare and Biomedical Research, by Andrew N. Rowan
V. Animal Care
Ethics . . . It’s What’s for Dinner, by Matt Kamen
Treating Animals Humanely: Veterinary Medicine’s Defense to the Law, by Rianna Stefanakis
Veterinarians and the Case against Legal Personhood for Animals, by Allen Yancy
Animals Are Not Things, by Temple Grandin